

I am a mother of two boys, 4 Year Old and 1 Year Old. I write about them and occasionally about my husband, 37 Year Old. Born to an immigrant family and then moved continents and became one myself. In the process, I’ve changed careers, watched some tv, gave birth to my boss, worked some more in the real world for a far less intimidating one, watched a lot of tv including The Bachelor, discovered some hidden gems in my own library and fell in love with some new authors and recently gave birth to an even smaller boss. Currently on my second maternity leave fulfilling a life-long dream of writing and making people laugh. And sometimes cry, which was not my dream nor my intention. More than anything I would like my Linkedin profile to say: The Bachelor Analyst. Find me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/IamthemilkBlogFriendsAndReaders

Oh, and I tweet: @KatiaDBE

For a quick and fun introduction to our family read Learning About the Pioneers – Essay.

For a more in depth heavier introduction read About a Happy Scar.

63 thoughts on “About

  1. Brian says:

    Katia, I’ve been following your posts for a few weeks, but just now got around to reading these two essays. Can I just say you are a fantastic writer? You have a casual, lighthearted style that is very refreshing. You’re also very funny! Please keep it up–I look forward to lots more of your fun and inspiration in the future.

    • Katia says:

      You’re very funny is the best possible compliment in my book! Thank you so much, Brian! It means a lot since I’ve really enjoyed your writing as well! I visited your blog again earlier this week, but I know you haven’t had time to update it yet. I’ll look forward to reading your next posts once you’re done with your house projects. 🙂

      • Brian says:

        Yeah, the demands of the real world too often interfere with my blogging efforts. I’m making a push to post more often, but I can’t promise it will be anything substantial. (Is it better to write lots of short, trite entries, or occasional deep ones?)

      • Katia says:

        I’m not sure, when I started I only did one post a week, then once I felt comfortable enough I moved to two posts a week. I would suggest at least once a week if you can afford that.

  2. […] at the beautiful, tightly-woven words of today’s very special guest blogger, Katia from I Am the Milk. I knew when I invited her to post here that whatever she came up with would be wonderful, but when […]

  3. So, I’m enjoying your blog, and I was wondering where you lived before?

  4. egrabowski4 says:

    Thank you for your site! Hilarious, honest and fun to read. I am new to blogging, and very much look forward to following your posts 🙂

    • Katia says:

      I still feel new to blogging myself and your words of encouragement mean a lot! Thank you so much and so glad you’ll be sticking around. I’ll try to deliver… 🙂

  5. heila2013 says:

    … gave birth to my boss… LOL!! Wonderful humor and great writing. I’m happy I discovered your blog. BTW, I’m originally from Germany and have been living in Israel for the last 27 years. 🙂 Heila

  6. Hey! Your blog is great. I’ve nominated you for a Leibster Award, which generates awareness of up-and-coming blogs. Check out my page to find out more http://avalancheofthesoul.wordpress.com/liebster-award/

  7. Meghan B says:

    Hey! Because I love your blog, I’ve nominated you for an award, but acceptance is purely optional. If you’re interested then please check out this post:


    • Katia says:

      Thank you so much, Meghan! That’s very sweet! I will definitely check out your blog and the nomination but have to apologize – I’m super slow in picking up awards. I suck. I might get a little better now with a little more time on my hands. 🙂

      • Meghan B says:

        You’re so welcome! And that’s totally fine. Honestly, this is my first time even participating, so I’m trying to get a feel for how many people actually like collecting awards (and who just thinks it’s annoying, haha) 🙂

  8. […] a yummy blog found by my dear Lauren … Girl Meets Dirt.  I dig it.   AND it has led me to iamthemilk, which is full of good writing about family life, motherhood, loss, and milk (all part of my daily […]

  9. Hi Katia we are new to your blog by way of mutual blogging bud, Catherine Dream. Having picked you up in the comments section. Man that didn’t even sound right. lol. We are a mother/daughter writing duo, bloggers & recently published authors. Have to say we love your blog name & concept. Really loved what you said, “Gave birth to my boss!! ” Brilliant. And no doubt you are one busy lady with two boys. We look forward to stopping by in the future and reading more of your posts! 🙂

    • Katia says:

      I think I’ve never responded to this comment! SHAME on me!!! Catherine is just LOVELY and I’m so thrilled to make your acquaintance through her blog! I really love the idea of a mother/daughter writing duo, that just warms my heart. I look forward to reading more from you and thank you so much for leaving such a sweet comment!

  10. Hi there, just discovered your blog and I look forward to reading more. Wanted to let you know that the two links posted above to your fun/heavy introductions to your family aren’t working now.

  11. Story Paige says:

    I love discovering other mothers with a passion to write 🙂 Keep it up.

  12. So glad I found you via SITS! I’m loving your blog so far 🙂

  13. Sindhu says:

    You have a great blog here! I’m glad I stopped by. 🙂

    (I’m also a mother of two boys aged 4 and 1!)

  14. […] “So we’re sort of twins. I chased a Korean man away at the museum yesterday.” — Katia […]

  15. Hi Katia

    I’m sharing the love and nominating you for a Liebster award: http://boybandinthemaking.wordpress.com/2014/04/01/parp-parp-ive-won-an-award/

    Here are your questions:

    1. Why should anyone read your blog?

    2. What are the best and worst smells in the world?

    3. If you could go back in time and assassinate one person, who would it be? and why?

    4. Describe your perfect mate (other than your real-life mate).

    5. If you couldn’t live in your home country, where would you choose to live? and why?

    6. Describe the most embarrassing moment of your life?

    Have fun with it!

    • Katia says:

      Aw! Thank you!!! I suck badly at accepting these, since I am such a horrible horrible terrible procrastinator but I so love receiving awards and may actually get off my butt and write something. Thank you so much, this is a lovely lovely surprise! 🙂

  16. tashata says:

    Gave birth to my boss! LOL! Love it, I know my baby’s the boss but I never thought of it this way…

  17. […] We’ll be hearing from Meredith from Pile of Babies, Matt from Must Be This Tall to Ride, Mary from Outmanned Mommy, and Katia from I Am the Milk. […]

  18. Dawn says:

    Hey Katia. I wanted to let you know I gave you and your lovely blog a little shout out on a post I published today. I’m not sure the ping backs went through. Just wanted to say thank you for being there for me, guiding and venting with me. You truly are one of the great ones girl 🙂

  19. […] was asked by Katia, who writes at IAMTHEMILK (as if you didn’t already know that), if I wanted to explore and […]

  20. […] that I got to meet was Jana from Stop Me If I Told You…and shortly after that, Katia of I Am The Milk.  They were even cooler than I’d imagined they would be.  I can also brag that I’ve […]

  21. Megan L. says:

    I just nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award!! I hope you will accept 🙂

    A ‘One Lovely Blog Award’ !!!


    • Katia says:

      That’s awfully kind of you, Megan, and always such an instant day maker for me 😀 I’m a terrible procrastinator, which makes me terrible at picking up awards, but I might get my s*$t together and do a collective thank you with links. Thank you so much again! 🙂

  22. Plexus says:

    Hi, great blog! We’ve just started one we think parents will find funny. We’re asking people to send in snippets from their old school reports –

  23. sally103 says:

    Because I love reading your blog, I have just nominated you for A Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Please feel free to accept or ignore! http://thejellyfisheffect.com/2014/11/27/very-inspiring-blogger-award/

    • Katia says:

      I am deeply touched. Thank you so much for nominating me. This week has been a whirlwind and it means the world to have received this nomination. I am crap at following through on those, so please accept my apologies in advance in case I don’t do anything and please know that it’s not because I don’t appreciate this but because I’m chronically overwhelmed 🙂

  24. Kale Studios says:

    Congrats; you’ve been nominated because I really love your blog. http://kalestudios.com/

  25. jamisonstar says:

    Youurbblog has made me giggle, cry and think in so many ways and I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. If your want to accept you can go here to read more. https://collidinguniverse.wordpress.com/2015/02/01/my-first-award-the-versatile-blogger-award/

    • Katia says:

      Aw, thank you so much! I’ve been terribly terrible about picking up blogging awards (just chronically overwhelmed with everything) but I’ve been thinking about doing a post about just me (vs. mom me) and this might be the perfect opportunity. Thank you so much for your kind words and nomination. 🙂

  26. amommasview says:

    Happy to virtually meet you 🙂

  27. MIsti says:

    Hello Katia

    Am new to the blogging world and finding my way around..and bumped into your page..and am glad I did so..enjoying reading your pieces..light and humorous, but yet so real.

    • Katia says:

      Hi Misty, I thought I responded to this comment but found it under ‘pending’. This warms my heart. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy your new journey as much as I’m enjoying mine.

  28. what a delightful read. I look forward to returning often. … you and I have something in common: boys, nearly the same age difference, just years apart. (mine are 9, almost 10, and 14) Boys are so fun! 🙂

    • Katia says:

      This is one of my favourite things about blogging. I our something out there and it finds its way to women who have so much in common with me. I’ve made a lot of friendships like that. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. It made my day!

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